Cebu City ends PNG bid with basketball, judo golds

CEBU, Philippines - Team Cebu City, represented by the Southwestern University (SWU) Cobras, shackled Bayawan-Negros Oriental, 85-61, to win the men's basketball title of the 2nd POC PSC Philippine National Games (PNG) in Dumaguete City.

TCC-SWU swept all its three games in the elimination round before drubbing host Dumaguete to move into the championship round.

The Niños also won gold in judo courtesy of Joaquin Niccolo Fernandez in the -66kgs. category, while Nestlee Vergacer added bronze in the -69kgs. division. Fernandez is an incoming third year student of Philosophy at the University of the Philippines-Dilliman in Quezon City.

Atty. Vicente Fernandez II, executive vice president of the Philippine Judo Federation, said Vergacer and his his fellow BS Criminology student at the University of Cebu (UC) Rey Almencion, are both first timers in a national tournament.

On the other hand, TCC settled for silver in men's softball and women's futsal.

TCC, manned by the Salazar Colleges of Science and Institute of Technology (SCSIT) batters, faltered in its bid of a golden double after it bowed down to the Philippine Airforce via the narrowest of margins, 7-6.

In futsal, TCC-University of San Carlos (USC) also crumbled before the National Capital Region (NCR), which is composed mostly of national players, via a 6-2 decision. (FREEMAN)

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