A cruel sport

The first woman in my life is turning another year older tomorrow. If not for her, I won’t be where I am. 

Happy birthday to my mama, Erma Lebumfacil Quiñones!

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Golf is the cruelest of sports. Like life, it is unfair. It’s a harlot. A trollop. It leads you on. Never lives up to its promises. It’s not a sport. It’s an obsession. A boulevard of broken dreams. It plays with men. And Runs off with the butcher.

These were word from sportswriter James Patrick ‘Jim’ Murray (1919-1998), who wrote for the Los Angeles Times from 1961 to 1998.

While I rarely quote the work of others for this column, the words above just seem to have perfectly described what many players go through in their entire golfing career, for a year, maybe a round or simply just playing one hole.

How many times have you hit a perfect drive and then you shank your next shot?

How many times have you lost a new ball into the water, which is on the other hole and not where you are heading?

How many times have you felt like being at the top of your game until you top your next shot and you find yourself in a bunker that you can’t get out of?

No matter what pain the game brings, you come back again the next day, because of the promise of that great shot or your best score.

For those playing in The View Invitational 2012 and already feel that they don’t stand a chance at winning, you don’t have to wait for next year’s event for a big comeback.

Tomorrow evening, there are so many raffle prizes that would be given away during the awards ceremony that would give those, who failed to play well a chance at redemption.

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While exchanging text messages with my compadre and fellow sports columnist Al Mendoza, a few days ago at the height of the first appearance of Chief Justice Renato Corona in his impeachment trial at the Senate, we could not help but include golf among the side topics.

Since this is a sports column, I would not comment on the trial or say what I think as it is beyond my competence.

But one thing I did tell Al is one reason why we love playing golf is that players try very hard to follow the rules even if nobody is watching.

I am not saying it is a perfect world, but the golfers, who would like the company of others, would rather get caught in controversial issues in relation to their work as government officials rather than be branded a cheat in the game.

Those who were caught doing so are now avoided by others like people with sore eyes.

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MILESTONES: Happy birthday greetings go to Venice Branzuela, Frederick Chua, Clai Hortelano, and my mistah Edwin Batalla, who are all turning a year older today.

Advance greetings to those who are turning a year older tomorrow like Adrienne Ong, Jasmin Ginete-Suma-oy, and sports editor and football fan Michael Jerome Limpag.

Congratulations also to my mistah Capt. Ernie Baldovino of the Philippine Navy, who has been picked a commanding officer of the country’s newest warship, BRP Ramon Alcaraz.

More power to all of you!

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