Sports focus

CEBU, Philippines - Sports just recently got a presidential boost with the pronouncement of President Benigno Aquino III at the opening of the Palarong Pambansa in Pangasinan.

The president promised his full support to the Sports Road Map of the Philippine Sports Commission.

With this road map, the PSC hopes to focus its efforts on selected events, which are deemed to be those where we stand a good chance of excelling in the world stage.

These sports are boxing, taekwondo, athletics, swimming, wushu, archery, wrestling, bowling, weightlifting, and billiards.

This does not mean other sports would not get any support, but is meant to make sense out of the allocation of funds.

The formula of focusing efforts on a few sports has worked for many countries and can work for us also if done properly.

What worries me about this plan is that it has a time limit as it is specifically called the Sports Road Map 2011-2016. Well, the term of President Aquino ends on 2016, but that should not mean we shall end our plans just because of the change of leadership.

What I still have to see in this country is a sports program that is continued by the next leader. This does not only hold true in the national level as it is also very evident on the various local government units.

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If there is anything that is stunting the growth of sports in our country, it is politics.

Not only politics among those seeking elective positions in government, but also those who seek to lead organizations.

If there is something good that was being done by a previous administration, why change it?  Many say that this is because they do not want to give credit to those who were there before, but this is plain selfishness and immaturity.

I wish to see a sports program that is not bound by the election years and the term limits set by our nation’s Constitution.

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Personally, I would say that the post-Ferdinand Marcos president, who did the most for sports, was Fidel V. Ramos.

It was during the term of President Ramos when many sports stadiums were built around the country for the hosts of the Palarong Pambansa. 

While it is true that some of the sports arenas built for the Palaro became white elephants, many have been a vital factor in sports development in the areas where they were built.

One excellent proof of that is right under our noses – the Cebu City Sports Center.

With the next local elections set next year, I hope those who will take over the reins of government would not undo the good things that we done before them.

This sounds like a pipe dream, but we are free to dream right?

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MILESTONES: Congratulations to Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Jessie Dellosa, who officially got his fourth star in ceremonies led by President Aquino.

Belated happy birthday greetings to Julius Ybarita, Duchess Veloso, and Rex Crystal, who turned a year older last Monday.

The same goes to Atty. Ernest Montecillo, Joe Valera, Emilie Florita, my mistah Rhadie Caccam, Jen Vega, Marsante Alison, and Atty. Clarence Paul Oaminal.

Today’s greetings go to Bernabe Salazar, Annaliza Patigayon, Lulette Cañizares, Baby May Bacalso, Barbette Barbon-Lominoque, and Raymund Fernandez.

More power to all of you! (FREEMAN)

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