USC-BED Active chessfest unfolds

CEBU, Philippines - Young enthusiasts of the famous European board game will test each other's mettle as the 1st University of San Carlos-Basic Education Department (USC-BED) Active Chess Tournament unwraps today at the USC-North Campus gym along General Maxilom Avenue, this city.

A total of P8,000 in cash prize is at stake for the top winners of the two-day tilt, which is open to players aged 16 years old and below.

Aside from medals, the champion will take home P3,000, while the second and third placers will pocket P2,000 and P1,000, respectively.

The joint fourth and fifth will receive P500 apiece, while the top female and youngest player will get P500 each.

Sanctioned by the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP), the tournament follows a 7-round Swiss system format.

The games will be supervised by FIDE arbiter Felix Poloyapoy, Jr. assisted by NM Merben Roque and USC-NC sports coordinators Galimar Largo and Saturnino Mayormita. (FREEMAN)

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