Iron lady

Haide Acuña ran her first 5K in the Nike Pharmaton 10K Classic which I organized years ago (was it in 1993?). She was then a student at St. Theresa's College. After that race Haide would pop out in short races now and then. I lost track of her for sometime until 2008 when she told me she wants to get serious with her running. I told her she has to really put some time in her training and just not run on weekends. I remember that in some runs we had, she was panting if we hit a slightly uphill stretch. So when she said she was really dead set on improving her performance, I requested coach Precing Capangpangan to train her in the track oval for speed work and to give her a training program. 

Soon I couldnt’ keep pace with Haide as her endurance improved. I noticed that Haide performs better in long distance running. In 2009, Haide ran in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon together with our group that included Atan, Jerry and Jeson Guardo, Joel Garganera, Allan Delantar and Arnold Palma, all first timers in the marathon. The marathon had a 5 hour and 30 minute-cut-off and had timers at certain areas like the 15km mark at Tsing Ma Bridge. It was my first marathon after 20 years and I know I didn’t have enough training but just went with the group in the insistence of Atan. We survived the first cut with only Allan Delantar as the casualty after suffering cramps (he was brought to the finish line in an ambulance). As I was trying to beat the clock in the second cut-off area, Jerry Guardo called from the sidewalk, he had cramps and asked me that we ran together. We missed the cut-off by a few seconds and had to board the sweeper.

In the bus was Haide who said “Raf ako ni gi reserve nimo” pointing to a vacant seat beside her. Jeson was next sa “pukot” while Atan and Joel made it to the finish line but were not listed officially as they missed the cut by 3 minutes. Haide said she has unfinished business in Hong Kong. When we got back to Cebu and after a few days rest Haide was back on the streets. That same year, Haide finished the Quezon City International Marathon in over 5 hours, the year after she finished the Cebu City Marathon. 

But Haide wanted more, she trained and finished the Bataan Death March Ultramarathon in 2010 clocking 17 hours and 40 minutes placing 89th of 104 finishers and attempted the 160 BDM the following year. It was a heartbreaker as she missed the cut-off time by over 1 hour, another unfinished business. Last year, she joined the Standard Chartered Hong Kong and this time redeemed herself finishing again over 5 hours. Haide now thinks of slowing down as she’s now keen on having a baby, but she has one more mission to accomplish the 160km ultra. 

Haide took a few months off from her job as ABS-CBN news anchor to really train hard for the ultra. Last Saturday, Haide not only finished but took first-runner up honors in 28 hours and 42 minutes in this year’s edition of the 160 ultra. Haide must be saying “vegeance is mine”. Congratulations Haide, I know you could make it. You must have probably remember what Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said “It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop.” My other good friend Bro. Carlo Bacalla did not finish after stopping at 118 kilometers. Bro. Carlo must be burned out after so many ultramarathons and marathons the past two years. But Bro. Carlo, there’s really nothing to prove anymore. 

ICCHS Centennial Run

As you read the column I’m well on my way to Iloilo City to assist Boyet Rentoy organized the Iloilo Chinese Commercial High School Centennial Run which fires off on February 19. I’ll also be in Iloilo for the Jaro fiesta and likewise prepare for the Adlaw Sang Iloilo Half Marathon in April.

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