Park and Manundan rule Commanders Cup golfest

CEBU, Philippines - Junior golfer David Park and architect Bernie Manundan topped the Council of Commanders Cup held at the Mactan Island Golf Club last Wednesday.

Park had a round of even-par 72 strokes shooting nines of 37 and 35 to take the lowest gross honors.

Manundan had a net score of 70 strokes off a gross 83 to win the lowest net plum.

The class A title went to Retired General Rodante Joya also with a net score of 70 off a gross 82. Runner-up for the class was Maj. Wenceslao Romero with a net score of 71.

Boy Alegre ruled class B with a net score of 71 followed by Col. Nic Parilla as runner-up with his net 72.

Col. Frank Dalawampu fired a net 72 to top class C while Rey de Vera had 73 strokes to finish second.

Special prizes were awarded to Park for the longest drive on hole number 1, Col. Parilla for nearest the pin on hole number 15, and Leo Eric Lanido for the longest putt on the 18th(FREEMAN NEWS)

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