Be a little picky

It's the election season once again for the second time this year and I hope that we have learned our lessons and would pick barangay officials, who are really worthy of our votes.

There would be many promises again. There would be a lot of fault finding and a lot of excuses why there were undelivered promises.

There would be candidates, who claim to be with an honest to goodness sports development program for the barangay, but with limited understanding of what should be done. 

Let us be wary about those who say they will use sports to combat drugs, but have no regard for the time of the events allowing the kids to be out of their homes until the wee hours of the night.

One more thing to remember on October 25, if you don't do your part and vote, you probably deserve the lousy barangay officials, so exercise your right.

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If you only saw the cheering on television a couple of days ago, you would have thought Chile won the World Cup.

The rescue of the 33 miners, who were trapped for 69 days at over 2,000 feet underground, was a refreshing twist to the kind of stories that we always get. It was good news for a change, but the world was glued to their TV sets nevertheless.

We used to only such interest in something good on TV when we are watching sports events.

I am sure that many of you also prayed for the safety of those miners and their rescuers. It was hard not to feel the intensity of the emotions.

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There is a proposal to revive the mini volleyball program in Cebu City.

Joji Maranga, a Cebu Sports Hall of Famer and former member of the national volleyball team is spearheading the project.

She had done this before in coordination with the city government when Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young was still a councilor.

The program simply makes it easier for the kids to play volleyball using smaller balls and nets that are set lower.

This way, the children would not lose interest in the sport as it would be easy for them to get their serves to cross the net and the balls would be easier to handle compared to the full-sized balls that are used by the bigger children and adults.

I still have to learn more about the program, but it seems that this is a very interesting way to get the young ones to try the sport, which has gained so much popularity in Cebu.

Maybe is a couple of years we can see many Cebuanos in the Philippine volleyball team once again.

That is not remote with all the efforts being done here to promote volleyball especially the GUV Cup.

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MILESTONES: Happy birthday greetings to biggest basketball star from my grade school class, Lou Regidor, who turns a year older today. The same goes to Mitzil Lumasag-Lupisan and Richard Bandala.

Advance greetings go to my mistahs Lt. Cols. Noel Vestuir and Alfonspin Tumanda, Jr., Vince Escario, and Marlon Wenceslao, who are turning a year older tomorrow.

More power to all of you!

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