CESAFI football semis start today

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Schools Athletic Foundation Incorporated (CESAFI) football semifinal round kicks off this afternoon with the secondary division action at the University of San Carlos’ Technological Center in Talamban, this city.

Defending champion Don Bosco Technology Center will be facing

University of San Jose-Recoletos while Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu tackles the unpredictable University of Southern Philippines Foundation.

Last week, USJ-R got a taste of the Bosconians fierceness following a 10-0 beating at the end of the elimination round.

DBTC, however, is not about to play complacent today even as they know by the now USJ-R’s weaknesses they couldn’t afford to lose as it’s a knock-out game in the semifinal. The winners of both matches play in the championship while the losers will fight for third next week.

SHS-AdC, for its part, will have to be extra careful against USPF even as they have won against the latter during their elimination round encounter.

The semifinal action for the collegiate division will be played tomorrow also at USC-TC.

The first match will feature no.4 squad University of Cebu versus the top-seeded USPF while no.3 USJ-R faces number 2 USC.

USPF’s 3-2 win over UC last week placed them on top with nine points followed by USC with eight points, USJ-R with seven points and UC stands with three points. (THE FREEMAN)

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