Rivals, but friends

One thing word that might easily come to mind when you mention an event between La Salle and Ateneo is rivalry.

Yes, there is no doubt that the two schools are rivals and green and blue, the school colors are not supposed to mix. The taunting often leads to attacks that are below the belt that could make those controversial signs at the South Road Properties pale in comparison.

The rivalry, though quite intense, has always been in the spirit of fun.

In the annual golf tournament between alumni of the two schools including all those who went to a La Salle or Jesuit institution of learning, there is one word that I would say should never be forgotten and that is friendship.

In Cebu, where modern day living remains entwined with being one small community, you don’t really see rivals on the golf course during the La Salle-Ateneo Golf Classic, you see friends who just happen to don either green or blue.

Last Monday, I played with one of my closest friends, Ramon Sebastian, who happens to be from Ateneo de Zamboanga. So it was like one-on-one for this high handicapper from La Salle and the low handicapper from Ateneo.

While we often play on the same group, it is different during the La Salle-Ateneo event, because while you cheer the good shots, you can’t also help but make some side remarks when the shots go wild. That was all for fun though.

Yesterday, two of my friends from different camps – Jojo Nazareno of La Salle and Junrey Pelayo of Ateneo – were on the same flight, but they chummy throughout the round, I was told.

Four hours before writing this column, I was told that Ateneo was pulling away in the battle for overall honors. I hope that has changed, but by the time you read this, the champions shall have already been awarded their trophies.

Well, there’s next year to look forward to.

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The Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) is now the subject of much scrutiny with people citing reasons why it should be abolished or retained.

This is not about abolishing the SK or retaining it, but my personal dislike for sports events that are reportedly an effort to fight drugs, but are held so late in the evening putting the participants, particularly the youth, in danger.

These are not however limited to the SK because even the barangay and other local government officials have also committed the same basic error. If you really are intent on promoting the fight against drugs, hold events earlier and make sure the kids are in the safety of their homes before bedtime.

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Milestones: A very happy birthday to our family’s baby – my sister Naika Quiñones-Addington, who turns 33 years old today. Ooops, you’re not supposed to reveal a woman’s age, but our sister remains our little girl even with three kids of her own now.

The same goes to my mistah Lt. Col. Romeo Racadio of the Marines, Dr. Conrado ‘Junie’ Salonga, Leonides ‘Jack’ Biantan, Rycky Pilapil, and Sam Costanilla.

Belated greetings go to my aunt Mitzi Lebumfacil, who turned a year older last Monday along with my cousins Sheree Gale Nillas and Walter Sandalo.

Belated birthday greetings also go to my compadre Neilwin Joseph Bravo and his daughter, who turned a year older yesterday.

More power to all of you!        

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