Eugene, Rex, Cliff and Myself

Eugene Cabusao, Rex Wagas, Cliff Abrahan and I were the last four runners to finish the Cebu City Marathon last Sunday. We crossed the line in more than seven hours!

While seven hours could seem like an eternity to finish a marathon, let me share the drama that unfolded during those hard, agonizing hours as Eugene, Rex, Cliff and I continued to put one foot forward until we finally made it.

I met Eugene, the husband of Haide Acuña, at the starting line. After a few pleasantries, we became instant friends.

After the gun went off, I ran slowly because of a back injury I suffered three weeks ago, thus I found myself in the group of slower runners.

I finally caught up with Eugene along Gorordo Avenue and ran with him. He was aware of my injury and even said that he will carry me, to the next water station, if he has to, should my bad back act up.

We were enjoying our run and reached the first 10K in 1:10! It was fast so we slowed down to about an 8-minute/kilometer pace as we approached the SRP.

At the 14K mark, Eugene developed cramps! After four more kilometers, both his legs were cramping. He had only three weeks of training and its showing! We stopped for a moment so I could massage his muscles. I told him, no matter what, we would finish the race.

Later at the SRP, Rex Wagas and Cliff Abrahan had joined us. Rex and Cliff were novice runners. Rex’s knees were aching because he was wearing brand new running shoes while Cliff had cramps as early as 2 kilometers into the race. We agreed to run together, as apparently, we were the last four runners.

For the next 24 kilometers, the four of us ran, jogged or walked!

At the 30K/37K water station, my running buddy Dr. Renald Peter Ramiro and other volunteers welcomed us like long lost friends. They offered drink, bananas and poured cold water on our pate. I even got a soothing leg massage!

As we continued forward, we met other runners on their way to the finish. The good thing about being last is the chance to encourage other runners. We yelled, “Five more kilometers!...five more kilometers!”

After 35 kilometers, Eugene said his cramps are gone and his second wind is kicking in. We looked at each other and talked about Rex and Cliff. No, we won’t leave them.

Just before we hit the last 5 kilometers, Rex and Cliff, who were so tuckered out, slowed down considerably.

I asked Eugene, after we turned right at Escario if we could make the cut-off time. He said we would be impossible.

Then CERC’s Joel Juarez, one of the marshals, caught up with us as we turned towards UP. He said there are still people waiting for us at the finish line!

We survived the last uphill climb and when I saw the Cebu Temple, I told Eugene, it’ll be downhill after that.

We tried to quicken our pace as we approach the finish line. Eugene was cramping again but with sheer determination, he kept pace as I led the way to the finish. I could see John and Jasmine Pages, Jacs and Perl Jacalan, Raffy Uytiepo, Jesse Taborada and many other members of CERC cheering us on!

A few meters from the finish, I raised Eugene’s hand as we finally crossed the line.

With tears flowing down her cheek, Haide gave Eugene a tight hug! For a while, Haide thought something bad happened to Eugene. While the couple embraced, Eugene almost fell to the ground because his feet were cramping again!

My legs were getting heavy as I stood at the finish line. Then out of the blues, Rex and Cliff showed up! They didn’t quit! They too, finished the race!

The four of us received a medal for finishing the marathon. This much I could say about that medal – we deserve every inch of it!

To Eugene, Rex and Cliff, I couldn’t ask for any three men to run the marathon, given the circumstances last Sunday. You guys showed me what guts is all about!

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