Cebuano referees join FIFA development course

CEBU, Philippines – Cebuano referees Randy Estremos, Archie Reyes, Wilford Tavela and Michael Culibra were among the thirty referees from the around the country undergoing training at the USC-Technological Campus in Talamban.

The training is the FIFA Referees’ Development Course that will run until Wednesday, July 15.

The main goal of the training is to keep local referees be abreast of the latest development in the game of football and sharpen their officiating skills.

FIFA sent two its staff – Mohammad Rodzali Yacob and Ahmad Khalidi - to conduct the training. Yacob lectured on the technical side of the game while Khalid spoke about physical conditioning.

The training concludes on Wednesday, July 15. At the end of the training, the referees will undergo evaluation to find out how much they have learned during the training.

The officers of the Cebu Football Association (CFA) were also invited to the training. The association hopes that after the training football referees will be more prepared to handle local tournaments. –Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (THE FREEMAN)

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