A truly BiG event

There are sporting events that participants and sponsors look forward to every year just like the Business in Golf (BiG), which staged its 16th edition last Thursday at Cebu Country Club.

I haven’t played in the tournament for all 16 years, but I’m sure I have covered it every year and hope to continue doing so as long as I can.

Last year I played for Vanex Trading of big brother Ramon Sebastian, this year, I was with Joe Soberano’s Cebu Landmaster.

The tournament format is not exactly something that duffers like me enjoy so much as it is a four-to-play, four-to-count event so you have to do well or else you pull your team down with you. But then looking at the bright side, no matter how you would score, you’ll count.

To my flightmates, who made it a very interesting day – Gen. Rodante Joya, George Hong, Eugene Elizalde, and Rolando Alberto, who was with me the first time I played on the fairways, thank you for the happy company.

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Today is the biggest day for dancesport in Cebu with the attempt at the world record for the biggest dance class to be staged at the Cebu City Sports Center.

Team Cebu City DanceSport, which is spearheading this activity, expect about 8,000 participants to fill up the field of the CCSC.

Edward Hayco, the team director, said that this shall hopefully put Cebu in the map as the dance capital of the world.

I know this can be done and I wish Edward and the rest of the team all the best in this effort to make it to the Guinness Book of World Records.

If you want to witness history, head to the sports center this afternoon. The world record attempt will start at 3 o’clock.

Dancing wasn’t even considered a sport before, but once you see the dedication of the dance athletes, you will realize that it is a serious sport and not just done for art or entertainment.

Team Cebu City’s dancers have even gone beyond just practicing to hone their skills as they have also gone to the many corners of the city, including the mountain barangays, to teach those who wish to learn, for free.

If we have more athletes and officials as dedicated as the people of Team Cebu City DanceSport, we can discover more talents, who someday might become world champions or Olympic medalists.

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MILESTONES: A check on my Facebook account showed that I have many friends, who are turning a year older this weekend.

Birthday wishes today go to Balamban town Councilor Dave John Karamihan, Talisay City Vice Mayor Lani Abarquez, Chris Sagun, and Cres Lawas.

I would also like to extend my greetings to sportswriter Caecent No-ot-Magsumbol and Edvin Kaw, who are turning a year older tomorrow.

Belated birthday greetings go to Lorelei de Gracia and Carmela Costales, who turned a year older a few days ago.

More power to all of you!

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