Anti-smoking laws

Several readers have reacted on the column that we wrote on smoking in sporting arenas and enclosed spaces that have remained unchecked.

It’s another of those laws that we made with good intentions in mind but unfortunately the authorities are not keen on really implementing them for one reason or another.

The management of City Sports Club Cebu continues to tolerate people who smoke at the dugout of the basketball court and at the lobby of the gym area.

Those who can’t resist the urge to smoke must not make others suffer. If you are one of those inconsiderate people, shame on you!

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The only thing that makes me happy about the NBA Finals is the fact that my team, the San Antonio Spurs, are not in there.

The reason is actually a bit off tangent, but when your team is not there, you can find all sorts of reasons to make it less painful.

Since I can’t help but try to keep updated about what’s happening, not only through the occasional ad libs by DJs, who sometimes don’t really have much of a clue about what’s happening, I search the stations for those that carry a live broadcast.

Well, not like the broadcast that you get on TV, but at least an annotation of what’s on TV.

Unfortunately I haven’t been very happy with what I could get. Worse is probably the fact that the Lakers are up 2-1 against the Magic and are most likely to claim the crown in five games.

I beg the indulgence of the LA fans though most especially their biggest fan, not in size though, my fraternity brother Raymund ‘Jiggy Junior’ Cerna of Y101 and my buddy Michael Go, the banker.

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After years of looking forward to watching the Formula-1 races, my interest has somehow waned this season.

Not that I don’t like F-1 anymore, but like the millions of other Ferrari fans, because the team hasn’t done too well this year.

You can’t take away from Jenson Button and the Brawn Mercedes team their brilliance in the racetrack and at the pits, but then to see Ferrari struggle doesn’t seem right.

I want to see red on the podium of the coming races and continue to hope that would happen soon. I hope it will, come the British Grand Prix.

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MILESTONES: Happy birthday greetings to my good friend from way back our high school days, Frederick ‘Icky’ Salazar, who turns a year older today. Icky was one class younger than me, but we were together in many activities although we always played on opposing softball teams.

Birthday greetings also go to Frances Grace ‘Ping’ Martinez and our former fellow editor Roy Ho, who are celebrating today and to Janet Balbin-Hart, who turns a year older tomorrow.

More power! -  THE FREEMAN

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