The learning experience

I often get a chance to talk to my fellow parents about kids and sports and most often, those who have taken the initiative to get their children into sports are happy to see positive changes.

The times have changed so much. Those from my generation probably had parents who were not really that keen in allowing us to get into sports at an early age for many reasons.

Some fear that we meet accidents, others wanted their kids to be home to help in the chores, and many also just could not find a good children’s sports program to put us into.

These days, there are so many sports programs that we can put our kids into not only during the school break, but all year long.

Parents who can afford it even hire private coaches to help hone the skills of their children. There are those who send them to specialized programs with the purpose of preparing them for a career in their chosen sport.

While only a few would really make it big, the chances of making it has also drastically improved with the availability of coaches, equipment and other necessary stuff that would help make champions.

Seeing our kids excel in their sport is probably every parent’s dream, but let us not also forget that sports does not only teach them excellence. More importantly sports espouse discipline and hard work in order to achieve the goals that you would set.

Back in high school, our Physical Education teacher Mr. Jovenal Sagario told us to practice hard and do the proper drills.

Another teacher, Prof. Daniel Nellas, who the girls in our class fondly called ‘Daddy Groovy,’ told us that it is not just constant practice that makes perfect, but “constant correct practice.”

The road to becoming champions and the best in what you do is never easy. Yes there are very few who have the talent, but talent alone will not get you to your goal. You also need discipline, hard work and determination.

I met many parents who seem unhappy with the progress that their kids make in the sport that they chose for them. I also have come across many who put too much pressure on their children by telling them stories of how they too were sport heroes during their younger days.

One friend told me about how one father was so tough on his kid while teaching the boy to play golf that the child dreaded going to the range to practice.

When a friend suggested that he get his child into a proper program, the father saw a major difference in the way his son played and both of them are now happy.

Let us not forget that we are dealing with kids and they must also enjoy what they are doing. It is not cheap to get your child into sports, but then it will be more expensive if they just lose interest because we are making it an unhappy experience for them.

Getting into sports is not only a learning experience, but can also be a lot of fun if done the right way.

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Milestones: Happy birthday to Mary Joy Bautista and to June Alegrado, who are turning a year older today.

Advanced birthday greetings go to Raycia Patuasi-Eullaran and Atty. Maria Jane Paredes, who are celebrating tomorrow.

More power to all of you!

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