Casino Español summer sportsfest kicks off

CEBU, Philippines - The third edition of the annual Copa de Casino Español de Cebu kicked off yesterday with seven sporting events on tap. These are lawn tennis, golf, badminton, bowling, billiards, poker and swimming for kids.

The event is not only open to Casino Español members, but also to some guest players.

Lawn tennis is the first of the seven events to start out with two teams composed of 22 pairs each taking part.

The tennis contest is a best-of-three affair.

Badminton and billiards will commence on May 6, poker at Bravio on May 7, bowling on May 8 and golf on May 9 at the Mercedes Plantation Golf and Country Club in Bogo.

More golfers are expected to show up this time as they reunite with old friends through the sport.

At stake for a hole-in-one is P200,000 plus a Skygo motorcycle and a Promac TV.

At the end of the summer sports festival, the organizers will fete the “Sportsman of the Year”. Albert Sison won the award last year.

The battle for the coveted “Sportsman of the Year” will be based on the total points earned by a player in all sporting events he/she participated in.

“The more sports they joined in, the more chances they have in winning the Sportsman of the Year,” said tournament chairman Nonoy Tirol. – Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (THE FREEMAN)

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