Cebuano netters contrasting fates in Tru-Flex tilt

CEBU, Philippines – Two upcoming Cebuano netters met contrasting fates after two days of action in the Tru-Flex National Age-Group Championships at the Rizal Memorial Tennis Center in Manila.

Jan Godfrey Seno, a newcomer from Bogo City, kept his sizzling performance in two classes, but his comrade Arthur Craig Pantino of the University of San Carlos-South Campus crashed out of the tournament.

In the unisex 10-under category, Seno clobbered Andrew Abadilla, 6-0, 6-0 to advance into the third round.

While Abadilla enjoyed an easy game, Pantino was hammered by the top-ranked Alberto Lim, Jr. 0-6, 0-6 in the same age classification.

In the 12-under division, Seno blasted Karl Tenoria, 6-1, 6-1 and later won by default over a no-show Faris Haikul.

The Mayor Junie Martinez-supported Seno will face next Dara Mae Regala for a berth into the quarterfinals. — Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (THE FREEMAN)

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