Vellum backs Oraion's Ironman bid

CEBU - Cebu’s adopted son Leo Oracion,the first recognized Pinoy to conquer Mount Everest, sets his sights on another challenge and that is to make it to the 2009 Ironman World Championships in Hawaii.

Oracion tried his luck to get a slot to this year’s Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, but missed the cut after finishing only at 74th overall and 15th in the men’s 30-34 class during the qualifying action last February in Malaysia.

Oracion was determined enough, but perhaps the lack of preparation and a good equipment and support cost him a lot during the race.

Now, Vellum Cycles comes to the rescue for the 35 year-old Oracion.

Vellum is sponsoring the Quezon Province-native, but longtime resident of Cebu with a new bicycle that he will be using for next year’s Ironman Malaysia .

Vellum is providing Oracion the Vellum Uno, a bike designed for time trials and triathlons. Uno accordingly is a beast of a machine.

True to Vellum’s description of its latest bike model, Uno boosted Oracion’s morale and provided him more inspiration to train hard. —Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

Late last month, Oracion’s first use of Vellum Uno paved his way for a golden finish in the National Age Group Triathlon Series at the University of the Philippines in Los Baños.

Oracion is known to endure pain and tough challenges that is why he is determined to redeem himself in the Ironman Malaysia.

Oracion may have summitted Mt.Everest, made waves in the AXN Challenges in various parts of Asia and the 10-day expedition race in New Zealand, but he still yearns to conquer the mecca of triathlon that is the Ironman.

Vellum ,according to its president and CEO Eugene Sanchez, will be there help Oracion reach his dream.—Caecent No-ot Magsumbol  (THE FREEMAN)

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