Heroes Run

Let me talk about something not related to the Beijing Olympics. The event is still on the drawing board but the stage has already been set, it’s the Heroes Run on Nov. 30, 2008.

If there’s a running event that I couldn’t afford to miss even if it’s held on a Sunday (I don’t usually run on Sundays), this is it. I participated in my first “official” 5K run in the same event last year. Then it was the MOVE 5K Run, where we ran for the disabled, raising seed money to help persons with disabilities (PWD).

This running event is memorable to me. As I said earlier, this was my first “official” 5K run although I’ve participated in various 7K cross country races in Jeddah, some years back. I still remember asking my tukayo Raffy Uytiepo what should I do to prepare for the MOVE 5K Run. I even asked him if I’ll carbo load the night before the race! Raffy was kind enough to tell me that 5K is such a short distance that I don’t need to carbo load. All I need, he said was to sleep early, take an early light breakfast before the race, and I’ll be fine.

By now you all know that in that race I was running with my cross trainers. I didn’t had trouble with those cross trainers but I think I was the only runner not wearing a “proper” running shoes. Thank heavens I didn’t get blisters on my feet or pains in my knees and ankles.

Here’s the funny part. After the starting gun went off, so did all the runners! Being a new runner, I was lost. So, I started running by myself. Before reaching Fuente, I found a runner who was just taking his time. I asked if I could run with him and after he nodded, we were together for the rest of the race until he suddenly sprinted a few meters before the finish line! I couldn’t help but grin and still remember thinking a silly thought: didn’t we agree to cross the finish line together?

After crossing the finish line without catching my breath, I knew that I’ll be running for the rest of my life.

Now here’s the Heroes Run.

When Dr. Renald Ramiro of PARM (Philippine Academy of Rehab Medicine) sent me an SMS that there’ll be a meeting Wednesday night for this event, I put down everything on my schedule. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to lend a helping hand to this very worthy cause. Last year, we were able to raise P110,000 for the critical illness fund for PARM Central Visayas.

Some months ago, Dr. Ramiro found a 43-year-old paraplegic and after verifying some small things, extended the needed help, quickly, without red tape. The last time I met Dr. Ramiro in the press conference for the Run for Sight (by Cebu Doctors University) this weekend, I inquired about the patient and Dr. Ramiro said she has gone home from the hospital.

The Heroes Run is still more than two moons away, but those who would like to join the run may now cross out Nov. 30 on their calendar. Those who’ll join will get a double treat - the joy of breaking a sweat and helping those with disabilities.

For comments, please e-mail rabai_o@yahoo.com

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