Kidney Care, San Remigio and Yayoy’s Grill lead early winners in K Gallery caging

Kidney Care, San Remigio Beach Club, and Yayoy’s Grill led the opening day winners of the 2008 K Gallery Basketball League First Conference last Sunday at the Visayan Glass Gym in Brgy. Guadalupe, this city.

Kidney Care mangled El Dyniroe Convenience Store, 85-61, San Remigio Beach Club slammed USC Law, 93-56, while Yayoy’s Grill weathered a spirited resistance by Hayden to escape with a hard-earned 56-51 victory.

A total of 4 teams divided into two groups of seven are taking part in the tournament sponsored by Alberto’s Pizza, Atty. Jefrey Pabriaga, Signa Modena, and Robert Rafson Chua of Bambi Cooking Oil.

The other competing squads are Diakon, Atan Guardo-Sherilin,  Sam’s Moondogs, Daks Kakanin Korner Don Alejandro’s,  Baisa Security Agency, Bambi Cooking Oil and VL Enterprise.

The two-month tilt follows a single round robin format in the classification round with the top two teams advancing into the crossover semifinals. The winners will then clash for the title in a knockout affair.

Aside from trophies, the champion will receive P12,000, while the runner-up will pocked P5,000. A special award of P500 will be handed out to the MVP. – EBV

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