Home Options frustrates Domecq

Home Options beat Domecq, 62-53, to lead the best-of-three championship series of the Sacred Heart Alumni Basketball Association (SHABA) 2007 Season at the Sacred Heart School-Jesuits gym.

Both teams played tough in the first quarter but Home Options managed to take a two-point lead, 18-16. Home Options continued to play heads up in the second period to pad its lead to 10 points at intermission.

Domecq started hot in the third quarter with Jeremy Huang hitting his shots. Joel Co of Home Options traded Huang basket for basket in the fourth quarter for his team’s victory. Home Options could wrap up the championship if they win the next game. Domecq, on the other hand, hopes to extend the series to a do-or-die game.

Co led all scorers with 26 points. His teammates Edquilla and Tomakin tallied 15 and 11 points respectively. Huang scored 21 for Domecq but his other teammates failed to score in double figures.

The Scores: Game 1

Home Options (62)- Co 26, Edquilla 15, Tomakin 11, Ong E. 5, dela Calzada 2.

Domecq (53)- Huang 21, Borromeo 9, Gilo 9, Skymyte 5, Fritchard 3, Uy 3, Alejandro 2 — Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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