2nd Mintsportshop Football Festival: San Roque bags Players 6 title

San Roque Royal United Football Club (SRRUFC) snatched the championship in the Players 6 division of the Mizuno-presented 2nd Mintsportshop Football Cup yesterday at the Cebu City Sports Center field.

SRRUFC of coach Restituto Colina overpowered two other teams - Bright Academy teams A and B - in the double-round robin tournament to clinch the crown.

SRRUFC team captain Angelo Colina took home the prestigious Most Valuable Player (MVP) award for showing impressive performances in their twin victories.

SRRUFC booters triumphed with 2-0-2 win-loss-draw record, Bright Academy teams A and B both occupied the second place as they ended with identical records of one loss and three draws with similar goal difference of -1.

As of this writing, Players 8 was in the quarterfinal phase already.  Bright Academy-A fought against City Central School/Pomeroy FC, while Springdale A slugged it out with Bright Academy-B.

On the other hand, San Roque Football Club A and B were racing for a quarterfinal slot, while Guiseppe FC clashed with Springdale C for a berth into the final eight.

The other categories were still in the elimination round.  Action resumes today starting at 7:30 am still at the same venue.

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