EDSA People's Power sportsfest set at USC

Some of Cebu's top-caliber athletes will showcase their wares in a whole day action in celebration of the 21st EDSA People's Power celebration at the University of San Carlos gym.

Philippine Sports Commission chairman William "Butch" Ramirez along with PSC Commissioner Ambrocio De Luna will lead the opening ceremony.

PSC Region-VII Director Fr. Vicente Uy, SVD. on the other hand, will do the welcome remarks as well as the declaration of the games open.

Aside from Cebu, three other key areas in the country including Manila, Baguio and Davao will also be staging a sporting competition following an order from the President Arroyo to include sports in the celebration.

As Fr. Uy earlier said, "ang atong goberno naglantaw nga ang sports usa ka behikulo nga mahiusa atong nasod."

The action opens with the CESAFI women's volleyball champion, University of San Jose-Recoletos, going for a "rematch" against its runner-up University of Southern Philippines Foundation.

On the other hand, the USC spiking Warriors who won the men's volleyball crown in the CESAFI and in the PRISAA Regional Meet, led by Roderick Arenasa, is also set for another exciting match with USJ-R.

After the volleyball games, there will be a variety show featuring the different schools including USJ-R, USPF, USC, University of Cebu and the Southwestern University.

The afternoon starts with the elementary basketball with USC-South playing against Sacred Heart School-Jesuit as the secondary division will have Don Bosco College against USJ-R and the tertiary division with the PRISAA Regional champion USC Warriors against UC Webmaster.

In between basketball games, will be an intermission from the University of the Visayas gymnastics team, a drum and bugle corps from Don Bosco and then a dance presentation of Team Cebu City and UC. - Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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