Megadome no more

When word was out that the Megadome project was going to push through at last because of the preparations for the ASEAN Summit late this year, I got very excited.

Why would I not be? I have been supporting the Megadome project since it answers one specific need of Cebu - a venue large enough for international indoor sporting events.

However, when news came out that the sports arena component is not going to be included and that it would not anymore be the Megadome, but rather the Cebu International Convention Center, my heart sunk.

How can they just change it like that? Are they only thinking of the ASEAN Summit and not of the uses for the facility after it? So, what will not happen to our dreams of major international events like the World Volleyball Grand Prix?

Maybe we'll have to wait for years again.

However, as I gave the matter much thought, I realized that we are not lacking in creativity in our sporting events that we seem to manage to stage them no matter what.

One of my most memorable is probably that beach volleyball competition inside the ballroom of the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel. Yes folks, the ballroom.

If that can happen, then maybe the sports aficionados eager to see what would have been the Megadome need not worry too much after all.

I still have to know more details about the project and I am hopeful that there would be a provision for a high ceiling that would allow us to still bring some sporting events here if given the chance to host them.
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One of the matters taken up during the meeting of the Cebu City Sports Commission (CCSC) last Thursday is the planned sports facility at the South Reclamation Project (SRP).

Many of Cebu's sporting groups are really excited about this, but then nothing is final yet about the matter.

An area of the SRP has already been identified as appropriate for the soccer field and baseball diamonds that would be made. What I now hope will happen is that there would be something concrete that would come out of all these plans.

I have met with many people from the Cebu Football Association and even the guys behind flag football and the batted sports group and they are clamoring for a field that they can use for practice and competitions.

This will definitely solve the problem and I'm very sure, a very good way to promote the SRP to investors with more people going there to watch or play.

I had the chance to take a look at the SRP from above while on board the Sta. Lucia helicopter last month with my good friend Gerry Quintos, and there are definitely several areas that would be suitable for a sporting arena.

We can even do rowing and maybe a few other water sports on Pond A.

One common concern of the people who said they were willing to help put the playing fields up is how long would the city government allow the use of the property for sports.

That's something I really have no idea about, but I hope that if ever the playing fields at the SRP will materialize, the area will be designated as the open field in the 300-hectare reclaimed property so that not only our generation can enjoy sports there but also the next and the ones after them.

This should be a legacy that the city officials can leave to the Cebuanos and I am hoping it will become a reality soon.

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