Computers versus Exercise

In this age of computers, it looks like the machine has triumphed. It has successfully lured the child to its fold no doubt. Children as young as two or three years old are already glued to the monitor or TV set. At that age years ago, we would play kiddie games like jolens, tumba preso and hide and seek. However, these games have become extinct as the T-Rex or the saber-tooth tiger. The first two decades of life encompass the most dramatic sequence of physical, mental and social changes.

During this development period, a child goes from helplessness to being capable of complex thoughts, deeds and physical actions. Exercise is a natural antidepressant and helps modulate stress. Stress is omnipresent in kid's lives. Violence has moved with increasing regularity into our schools and via television and video games into our homes. According to the American Holistic Medical Association, it's difficult to completely avoid stress that causes mental illness in the child. It is estimated that one of every four children in the U.S. will suffer serious depression by age 18, with stress as a major factor.

In a study, children at present are not getting enough exercise. Television, video games and computers now compete with physical play. The Department of Health and Human Services reported in 2000 that the number of overweight and obese American children has more than doubled since 1980. Who's the culprit? Kids tend to spend more time with electronic media and have reduced physical activity. In the same report kids spend an average of 4 hours daily watching TV and videos, playing video games and using the computer. Between 1977 and 1995, walking and bicycling by kids ages 5 to 15 decreased by 40 percent. Reduced exercise among children has caused increased weight gain and other problems like corollary increase in childhood heart disease and Type II diabetes.
On the other hand, when kids are active, not only do they improve their physical health but also do better academically, have higher self-esteem and are less likely to become involved in self-destructive behaviors like taking drugs and contemplating suicide. Now it's up to the parents to make certain that their children eat well, exercise and manage stress. This duty is an opportunity to spend more "fun" time together. Getting them involved in activities we love and cheering them as they pursue their favorite sports. Let's run.
It looks like there's still no medicine to the ills that has befallen the La Salle Basketball Team in the UAAP. It would take some time till the conspirators are brought to justice for the scandal they did to La Salle. By this time you probably all know that Archers Mark Benitez and Tim Gatchalian who played for La Salle's champion teams were ineligible since they submitted fake papers. As the investigation continues the plot thickens with the two cagers implicating a former assistant coach for facilitating their entry to the school and eventually to the team.

Although La Salle was not favored to be in the finals this year due to a rookie-laden team, the Archers shocked the UAAP community when they dumped seeded teams like arch-rival Ateneo and University of the East. They also gave the eventual champion, Far Eastern University Tamaraws one hell of a fight for one of the most exciting championship games in league history. Of course La Salle already suffered a "black eye" earlier when assistant manager Manny Salgado hit King Tamaraw Arwin Santos after that thriller of a game. La Sallites nationwide are saddened by this infamous event but are still proud at least that they are honest enough to reveal the dark secret when they could have kept it and got away with murder. As far as sanctions are concerned, La Salle is ready to accept whatever punishment is meted on the Archers. Besides it's the principle of command responsibility.
I'll be missing the concert of Gary Lewis and the Playboys on October 28 in Manila. I'm off to Iloilo again for All Saints Day and the Aswang Festival in Capiz. Although I've watched the original group of Gary Lewis in Manila in 1965 or (was it 1966?) I still adore their music. Like who could forget "This Diamond Ring", "Everybody Loves a Clown", "Count Me In", "Save Your Heart For Me" and "Sure Gonna Miss Her"?. I'll be in Roxas City for the Aswang Festival now renamed Lupad Capiz. Roxas City officials and the church didn't agree on what to call the festival. According to a church spokesman, instead of drawing tourists it might just scare them away. "It's like confirming that Capizenos are indeed aswangs" said the same official. "Does Sen. Mar Roxas who hails from Capiz look like an aswang?"

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