Stiffer penalties in new Fisheries Code

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu fourth district Representative Benhur Sa-limbangon has warned on the stiffer penalties under the amended Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998.

A consolidation of Senate Bill 2414 and House Bill 4536 basically seeking to internationally standar-dize the country’s fishery laws was ratified on December 1 and will be signed into law by President Aquino by the end of the year.

“This bill is intended to protect our marine resour-ces, dili ni aron pagdaut pa sa atong mga commercial fishing industry, kun dili pagprotehir sa atong kadagatan,” said Salimbangon during the 888 News Forum at Marco Polo Plaza yesterday.

While some commercial fishing operators are against the measure, small fisherfolks and other marine advocates lauded the passage of the amendatory bills.

Commercial fishing  operators in other regions claimed that the amended measure could “kill” the fishing industry and cause a major negative impact on the economy as a whole.

But Salimbangon, who heads the House Committee on Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, called on all fishing operators to just follow the law.

“Mohangyo lang ko nga dili na lang sad ta mo-violate. We will advise later on as soon as the bill will be signed by the President to become a law and the implementing rules and regulations will be adopted,” he said.

 In the current version of the Republic Act No. 8550, only the fishing vessel captain, chief engineer and master fisherman are liable for violations committed on provisions of non-reporting of fish catch or unauthorized fishing.

In the proposed amendments, however, the government wants to penalize the fishing vessel owner as well.

Currently, commercial fishing boats caught viola-ting the prohibition on ope-rating within 15 kilometers of the shoreline from coastal towns or municipal waters are charged a P10,000 fine.

In the amended version, fines for the same violations will balloon from P10,000 to a minimum of P500,000 and a maximum of over P1 million.

Aside from the whopping increase in the penalty fees, the proposed amendments also include revoking the fishing boat license to operate, confiscate the fish catch and seize the fishing boat.  — (FREEMAN)

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