Gwen’s ‘undue haste’ irks HRET

CEBU, Philippines - The House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) has denied the motion for reconsideration filed by third district Rep. Gwendolyn Garcia on the order of the collection of ballot boxes and election documents in connection with the election protest filed by former Pinamungajan mayor Geraldine Yapha.

HRET chairperson, Associate Supreme Court Justice Presbitero Velasco Jr., even got mad at Garcia’s motion which considered the tribunal’s order as “undue haste.”

“It is incorrect or it is unfair for protestee to characterize the Tribunal’s collection order as having been done with undue haste,” said Velasco in his order dated November 27, 2013 which denied the motion of Garcia.

The HRET earlier denied the urgent motion to defer collection of ballot boxes and election documents filed by Garcia last November 15, 2013 asking the tribunal to defer the collection of ballot boxes to December 2, 2013.

In filing her motion for reconsideration, Garcia argued that the insistence on the continuing collection of ballot boxes and election documents would seriously prejudice her interest with the limited availability of  her staff or counsel to be present at the collection.

Garcia concluded that “justice in haste is justice defiled.”

Velasco said the tribunal found it illogical and waste of time and resources to reschedule the collection in Toledo City and Barili as requested by Garcia considering that the team was already in Cebu.

The collections in Aloguinsan, Pinamungajan, Balamban, Asturias and Tuburan, all part of the third district, had already been done.

He said that the suspension of the collection would entail additional costs for parties.

Garcia reasoned out that no one from her camp will be available to attend the scheduled collection of ballot boxes as all her staff are deployed at typhoon-affected areas to provide assistance in relief operations.

HRET order dated November 18, 2013 has emphasized that “sending even just one representative will not cripple the humanitarian effort being undertaken by protestee and her staff.”

Velasco said that the Tribunal thus finds it an overplay on the part of protestee to state that “it is the height of callousness to insist on the continuing collection of  ballot boxes and election documents during a state of national calamity.”

The collection of ballots and election documents and paraphernalia commenced on November 19, 2013.

Yapha earlier filed an election protest against Garcia claiming that there were 41, 858 stray ballots that were not counted.  Yapha lost by 1,984 votes against Garcia.—(FREEMAN)

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