Van pins woman

CEBU, Philippines - A woman died after she was pinned underneath a container van where she took shelter from the rain last Saturday evening at the Cebu Ace Trucking Corp. compound at the North Reclamation Area in Mandaue City.

Monica Folkesad, 28, of Cordova town, was reportedly sitting underneath one of the fully-loaded container vans of the trucking company while waiting for the rain to stop.

The metal stands of the container suddenly sank into the soil which had been softened by heavy rains and pinned her underneath.

Folkesad shouted for help to truck boys Wendel Flores, 22, and Miguelito Rosal, 20, of Alrey Cargo Forwarding. After they could not get her out they ran off to ask for more help.

PO2 Victor Atto Jr. of the Investigative and Detection Management Branch of the Mandaue City Police Office told The FREEMAN they found it hard to extract Folkesad from under the container van because of its weight.

“Nalukot na pag-abot namo kay nagtungko mana siya sa ilawom,” Atto said in a phone interview.

Personnel of the Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation rushed to the scene but did not reach the victim alive.

Policemen had to coordinate with the trucking company to use their crane to move the container van and get Folkesad’s body. The retrieval operation lasted an hour.

“Nanglagom na ang lawas di na gyud madala,” Atto said.

Atto said the family of Folkesad decided not to file a case against the trucking company but just asked them to pay for the burial expenses of the victim. — (FREEMAN)

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