Landslide that killed couple was their 3rd

CEBU, Philippines - The landslide that killed a couple in Barangay Cantao-an, Naga City last Tuesday was not their first experience.

Jovelyn Belarmia, eldest child of couple Dionisio and Julita, said a few years ago, they experienced two landslides but it did not damage their shanty and her parents ignored the incidents.

“Muingon man to nga 'aw, kung mamatay, malas. Gibalewala ra nila,” Jovelyn said.

Jovelyn suspected that aftershocks of the recent earthquake caused the landslide.The Mines and Geosciences Bureau-7 will send a senior geologist to conduct a field investigation on the incident.

MGB 7 Regional Director Loreto B. Alburo said the incident may be attributed to the combination of several factors such as heavy rainfall, the type of soil, very steep slopes, and the earthquake that hit some parts of Cebu Province last August 31.

Alburo, in a statement said that based on the results of the geohazard assessment in a 1:10,000-scale, sitios Pangpang, Tayad-tayad and Balico of Barangay Cantao-an were rated as “very high to landslide susceptibility” while sitios Proper Cantao-an, Township, and Riverside were rated “high to landslide susceptibility”.

MGB-7 provided a copy of the geohazard assessment report and a landslide advisory letter to the barangay officials and these were received by one Cerila Abes.

“We are strongly urging our local chief executives, particularly the barangay captains, to revisit and restudy the landslide susceptibility rating and landslide advisory letter which we issued to them so that they will know where landslide or flooding would likely occur within their respective area. We should be prepared and vigilant all times as we don't know when heavy rains will occur especially those communities or residents who are living near or at the foot of the mountain areas as many geohazards are water (rain) induced,” said Alburo.

The Belarmia couple was from the farm and fell asleep in their shanty in Barangay Cantao-an last Tuesday while their daughter, Maricel, 11, cooked banana for dinner.

At around 6:00p.m., Julita woke up and heard a loud thud outside.

Julita tried to wake up Dionisio but he did not mind her. Julita went back to sleep and told Maricel to wake them up as soon as the food is cooked.

This time, a boulder hit their house hitting Dionisio, 42, in the chest and Julita, 47, in the head before it rolled down to the river nearby.

Maricel was almost hit while saving her three siblings, Rommel, 13; Cherry Ann, 6; and Johnfel 5, who were also sleeping in the shanty.

Rommel asked for help from their relatives who then rushed to the area.

The shanty was about 1.5 kilometers away from the house of the couple.

They owned live stocks and worked in a neighbor's farm.

The four minors were brought to the Naga City Social Welfare and Development Office yesterday morning for stress debriefing.

Delia Tibay, CSWDO officer, said Maricel was the most affected.

The minors returned to their house yesterday afternoon.

The CSWDO will have a case conference to decide who will keep the children. For his part, Naga City Mayor Valdemar Chiong assured extend help to the victims.

Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia will also give financial assistance to the family. — Ria Mae Y. Booc/Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon(FREEMANNEWS)

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