6 Sogod cops charged over "shaving" incident

CEBU, Philippines - Six policemen from the Sogod Police Station, including their police chief, are now facing administrative charges after the National Police Commission found probable cause to file charges against them for the ‘shaving incident’ complained by a certain Danny Montecalvo, 39.

Charges for grave misconduct and serious irregularity in the performance of duty were filed against PO2 Dario Dinopol, PO2 Jose Riden Hortilano, PO1 Roel Pepito, and PO1 Lamberto Lobiano Jr.

Separate charges for serious neglect of duty and grave misconduct were also filed against Sr. Insp. Aldrin Villacampa and jailer PO2 Jose Rospel Hortilano.

Montecalvo was arrested for drunkenness last July 28 after he went wild as alleged by his father Baudencio Montecalvo.

Police responded to the alarm but Montecalvo was allegedly kicked by Pepito when he tried to resist arrest and was taken to the Sogod police stockade where the hair on his head, armpits and private parts were shaved by the detainees.

Atty. Zandro Ronnie Oriol, public information officer of the NAPOLCOM-7, said that based on the evidence as well as the medical certificate presented by Montecalvo, they found probable cause on the allegations against the policemen.

Oriol added that arresting policemen used excessive force during the arrest of Montecalvo based on the contusions found in his chest. Montecalvo’s medical examination results showed he was kicked twice.

“The kick was delivered when Danny was raising his hands to surrender but the police kicked him,” Oriol said.

Despite the denial of the responding policemen, Dinopol, Riden, Pepito, and Lobiano, over the incident, the NAPOLCOM also found out that they were present when Alcris Judaya, a detainee, shaved Montecalvo’s head, armpits, and private parts.

Oriol cited Section 4 paragraph b (10) of RA 9745 or Anti-Torture Act of 2009 that stripping the person naked, parading him in public places, shaving the victim’s head or putting marks on his body against his will can cause mental and psychological torture.

He added that Rospel even admitted there were house rules inside the stockade which would mean he and Villacampa possibly knew of the ‘house rules’ even before Montecalvo complained.

“House rules kuno pero kahibalo sila nga naa na nganong wala man nila hunonga, (They claimed to know the house rules but why did they not stop what was going on?)” Oriol said.

He added that Villacampa attempted to convince Montecalvo to withdraw the complaint at the NAPOLCOM and assured they will shoulder his expenses, which Montecalvo refused.

Villacampa was not around when the incident happened and he was informed by his personnel Sunday morning.

Policemen involved will be summoned to start the summary hearing next month.   - THE FREEMAN

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