Developer can now continue project

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama has lifted the cease and desist order that the city government issued against the developer of Monterrazas de Cebu more than a year ago.

This means the land developer may resume its subdivision development works on the uphill portion of Barangay Guadalupe. Rama lifted the CDO last July 23.

Genvi Development Corporation and Landco Pacific Corporation, the developer of Monterrazas de Cebu, received the letter of the Mayor last Thursday.

Shella Sarmiento, VP for Sales and Marketing of Landco Pacific Corp., said they are very pleased that the CDO has been lifted.

“Now, what we have to do is to fast track everything and deliver what we promised our current buyers,” Sarmiento said.

The developer will issue a press statement on the lifting of the CDO on Tuesday next week.

In his letter, Rama said that he is lifting the CDO after the Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council found that the developer has complied with all the conditions set by the city.

But Rama warned that the CDO will be re-implemented once the developer commits another mistake.

The mayor, however, set conditions for the company to proceed with the project.

These conditions include regular desilting of settling ponds every three months or as the need arises, major cleanup every six months of Banawa Elementary School and securing a barangay resolution from barangay Guadalupe certifying that the company has assisted in the rehabilitation of damages brought by the flood and soil erosion caused by the development.

The mayor also wants Genvi to undertake the construction of new drainage lines in Segments A and B and the improvement of Segment C drainage line, and that there should also be a road restoration from Segments A to C.

Rama also expects the developer to submit to City Hall a barangay clearance for drainage development.

He also wanted the developer to submit a monthly activity or progress report to the City Planning and Development Office, and to conduct preventive measures against dengue as part of its corporate social responsibility.

“Automatic reimplementation of the order shall happen if any of the above conditions shall not be complied. CCDRMC is directed to have all conditions monitored if being complied with as well as the planning office to do the same,” Rama said.

City Administrator Jose Marie Poblete said that Monterrazas de Cebu has actually gone beyond what it was asked to do to solve the flooding in Guadalupe.

Aside from constructing more pits as rainwater catchment, Genvi has also undertaken flood mitigation projects that were supposed to be the job of the city government.

Poblete said there will be a regular meeting between the developer and the city government because they ought to monitor the development of the project.

As early as May, the CPDO recommended the lifting of the CDO, declaring that Monterrazas de Cebu has complied with all the conditions set in the CDO. — /LPM - THE FREEMAN

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