Sogod cop admits kicking detainee but insists no mauling happened

CEBU, Philippines - The policeman accused of mauling a detainee last Saturday said he only kicked the abdomen of the complainant just to neutralize him for being unruly and for resisting arrest.

PO1 Roel Pepito of the Sogod Police Station who was one of the four responding officers told The FREEMAN he never mauled Danny Montecalvo, 39, of Barangay Tabunok.

He said he only kicked Montecalvo once, when Montecalvo resisted arrest while holding a screw driver.

“Pagsikad nako kausa natumba na siya una namo nakuha ang screw driver,” Pepito said in a phone interview. (I kicked him once and that was why the screw driver fell.)

Montecalvo was armed with a screw driver when PO2 Dario Dinopol, PO2 Jose Hortilano, PO1 Roel Pepito, and PO1 Lambeto Lobiano arrived in Barangay Tabunok.

Pepito denied any involvement in what Montecalvo said was the shaving of his hair.

“Wa na ko kahibawo anang opaw kay di man ako ang naa diha (prison),” he said adding that he even advised other prisoners not to hurt Montecalvo. (I don’t know about the shaving of his hair because I’m not involved with the jail.)

Montecalvo was supposed to be released from jail last Monday but he was released Sunday because of the request of Montecalvo’s parents.

 “Kami na gani ang naluoy nila tungod sa hangyo sa amahan, sila na hinuon ang arogante kaayo,” Pepito said. (We even took pity at his father and now they are being arrogant.)

He said he will face any case filed against him.

Montecalvo, who was arrested for drunkenness, claimed he was maltreated by cops and other prisoners while he was detained Sunday morning. He decided to file charges against the two policemen.

Inspector Aldrin Villacampa, Sogod police chief, conducted an investigation on the matter and said the prisoners admitted they shaved Montecalvo’s head, armpits and even his private part.

Montecalvo earlier told The FREEMAN that the National Police Commission assured him they will not tolerate the incident.

 Cebu Provincial Police Office Director Patrocinio Comendador ordered Villacampa to investigate the complaint and file appropriate charges if the policemen involved are found liable.  - THE FREEMAN

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