Daluz: Council authorization not needed in filing case

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Councilor and lawyer Jose Daluz III said that Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama does not need authorization from the city council to file a case in court in order to protect the interest of the city.

Daluz said that this would be the first time, if ever, that the mayor will have to seek the council’s authorization in filing cases in court.

“The mayor already has the authority being the chief executive. He doesn’t need the authority of the council,” Daluz said.

The council is questioning the filing of the case against Department of Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima over the relief of City Treasurer Ofelia Oliva.

Purisima designated Acting Assistant City Treasurer Emma Villarete in charge of the treasurer’s office without saying where Oliva will be assigned.

The mayor filed a case against Purisima for alleged abuse of discretion. The mayor believes that it is the Bureau of Local Government and Finance that should designate a treasurer to the local government unit by virtue of delegated functions.

The finance department must also choose only from the list of names nominated by the mayor.

Daluz said that the mayor had to question the order of Purisima replacing Oliva because they believe that the treasury is in better hands with Oliva who has the trust and confidence of the mayor for her competence and track record in her field.

“This is an urgent matter. We considered going directly to the Office of the President but since this is an urgent matter, we have to resort to the court. We hope that this will be resolved soon,” Daluz said.

Oliva continues performing the duties of a city treasurer as ordered by the Mayor.


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