Tennis Club sues VSMMC Chief

CEBU, Philippines - For depriving them of the right to use the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center’s tennis court, the Southern Tennis Club has filed an injunction case against Dr. Gerardo Aquino Jr.

In their petition, tennis club President Dr. Arturo Sy and its vice president, lawyer Bienvenido Jaban Jr., sought the court’s assistance after the tennis court was used as a pay parking area.

“The act of defendant in implementing the illegal eviction of plaintiff is highly oppressive and an abuse of authority and discretion to promote the illegal business of parking amounting to lack of jurisdiction,” petition read.

The members of the club are retired hospital workers, military officials and other government agencies.

They said the tennis court was built in 1980s and acquired possession in 1994.

The tennis court was used by the hospital employees as venue for their sporting events. Petitioners said they have requested Aquino for the possession of the tennis court but it was denied.

They said they were told by Aquino that the tennis court will be used for the construction and renovation of existing hospital facilities.

The petitioners alleged that the present administration imposed a P10 hourly parking fee.

“The security guards are demanding parking fees upon exit and issue unofficial government receipts,” they said.

Petitioners likewise, said the parking and exit fees from the public motorists were not “properly remitted to the government coffers.”

“The act of Aquino in collecting parking fees is outright illegal and violates Republic Act 3019 known as the anti-graft and corrupt practices act,” they said.

Petitioners alleged that nowhere in the charter creating the Southern Islands Hospital, now VSMMC, is it stated that the hospital can collect parking fees. — (FREEMAN)

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