Mom finds daughter's nude pics online

CEBU, Philippines - A woman sought help from the media after nude pictures of her 14-year-old daughter were posted on a porn site.

The woman, a police informant, said she earlier went to the Police Regional Office–7 but was not able to get help until last night.

The woman said she discovered her daughter’s nude pictures only last March 19 after several policemen showed her the site where the nude pictures were posted.   

She said the policemen recognized her daughter and alerted her.

She said her daughter later admitted to posing nude for a photo shoot in a hotel in the downtown area last October after they were recruited by a homosexual. The recruiter reportedly promised to pay the victim and three other female friends P4,000 each to pose nude for the photo shoot inside a hotel.

Another unknown male was also included in the photo shoot. 

The homosexual also served as the photographer while a foreigner also watched the photo shoot. They were allegedly assured by the homosexual that their nude pictures will not be uploaded in the Internet.

The victims were also asked to take nude self-portraits using a camera provided by the recruiters.    

After the photo shoot, the victims were made to sniff drugs provided by the recruiter inside the hotel room.


The woman said she sought help from PRO-7 after she was referred by a high-ranking official from the Cebu City Police Office.

There she said office personnel informed her that Chief Insp. Maria Teresa Macatangay was not available. Macatangay is in charge of the anti-human trafficking task force of PRO-7.

The woman added that she was not immediately attended by the office prompting her to leave.

The woman then went to the office of the International Justice Mission where she was told they only handle the legal matters of trafficking cases. 

She was referred to the Crisis Intervention Unit of the Department of Social Welfare and Development-7.   


PRO-7 Director Marcelo Garbo Jr., in a separate interview, said PRO-7 did not abandon her in her time of need. 

Garbo said Macatangay was indeed out of the country for an official four-day seminar in Thailand.

He instead referred the woman to PRO-7 deputy for operations Senior Supt. Louie Oppus.

Oppus said he asked the woman to come see him in his office today. —/BRP (FREEMAN)

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