Stricter policy on pass slip issuance at Capitol next year

CEBU, Philippines - A stricter policy in the issuance of official pass slip to Capitol employees and department heads will be imposed effective January 1, 2012.

Provincial Administrator Eduardo Habin issued the amended guidelines in the issuance of pass slip allowing employees to leave the office during office hours for reasons other than official business.

Habin invoked Section 1 of Rule XVII of Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and Other Pertinent Civil Service Laws.

“It shall be the duty of each head of department or agency to require all officers and employees under him to strictly observe the prescribed office hours,” the rule states. 

If on official pass slip, the employees should produce a certificate of appearance printed at the back of the pass slip form duly filled up by the agency or company where business is transacted.

The revised official pass slip form shall be used effective January 1, 2012.

Marina Abear, administrative officer of the Office of the Vice Governor, said the required certificate of appearance signed by the office or agency where transaction is made is the only additional requirement of previous guidelines.

Pass slip should be issued only when extremely necessary and should only be for a short duration and within Cebu City limits.

The employee who seeks to go out on pass should register his/her time in and out in the morning/afternoon.

The pass slip should be duly certified by the department head concerned.

The period during which the employee is out on personal pass shall be charged to his/her vacation leave credits.

Copies of the pass slip should be forwarded to the Human Resource Management Division, Office of the Provincial Administrator, for proper notation or for purpose of updating leave credit balances of concerned employees at the end of every month. (FREEMAN)

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