Former CH consultant charged for usurpation

CEBU, Philippines - Former City Hall consultant, retired major Romeo Cordova was arrested yesterday for alleged usurpation of official functions filed against him by his former boss, Cebu South District Rep. Tomas Osmeña. 

Cordova said he was shocked after operatives from the Cebu Investigation and Detective Management Branch arrested him in his house in Barangay Punta Princesa, Cebu City, at around 1:45 p.m.

Cordova arrived at Cebu City Police Office smiling while being escorted by five policemen. He told the media yesterday he was surprised by the warrant of arrest served against him as he did not know there was a case filed against him.

“I never received the copy of the complaint or subpoena directing me to answer the complaint,” he said.

In the complaint filed by Osmeña, he stated the City Council approved the resolution hiring the accused as consultant for six months from July 1 to December 31, 2010 before being renewed for another six months until March 4, 2011.

“However, contrary to his designation as consultant and delimited by his appointment to performing advisory functions, the respondent forthwith began to assume and discharge executive functions,” the complaint read.

Osmeña said the accused issued a memorandum dated Mach 31, 2011 addressed to all employees of the South Road Properties Security informing them that Christian Hembra will be assigned to another area and that all employees are to report to Florence Balungcas.

He added Cordova likewise issued a memorandum-note to Claire Cabaldo of the Office of the Mayor directing to transfer Balungcas to the Security Office.

“The designation of Balungcas is arbitrary and contrary to law. Hembra had been employed by the City Government in charge of the security of the South Road Properties projects, as head of SRP security,” Osmeña said.

He added “Hembra had provided effective leadership in manning the SRP and has aptly attended to the security needs of the only multi-billion peso property of the city.” Osmeña said by pulling out Hembra at the SRP, Cordova endangered the entire project.

“Needless to state, Ms. Florence Balungcas has limited, if not a total lack of knowledge of the security details of the SRP aside from the fact that she has questionable background as a person,” the complaint read.

He said the only function of consultant is “primarily and exclusively advisory” and duties related to said advisory functions.

“As consultant on public safety, chief of security and in-house Ombudsman, Office of the City Mayor, respondent has no authority to assume as chief of the Civil Security Unit, heading the security functions of the SRP, head the Peace and Order Program and the Mobile Alarm Response System,” he said.

Cordova was able to post the P10,000 bail before Judge Pamela Baring-Uy of Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 6.

He added he will file a motion to quash information and asked for re-investigation of the case.  (FREEMAN)

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