BFP-7 intensifies campaign vs. pyrotechnics

CEBU, Philippines - As part of their intensified safety campaign this yuletide season, the Bureau of Fire and Protection in Region-7 is intensifying its campaign against firecrackers, other pyrotechnic products and substandard Christmas lights to ensure public safety during the entire season.

In a press statement, Inspector Fritzie Manatad, BFP-7 Information Officer, said they have assigned personnel to inspect places where pyrotechnic products and firecrackers are being made.

She said intensified monitoring will also be conducted in stores and malls where pyrotechnic products are displayed.

“The campaign focuses primarily on the safety of the public and to prevent any accidents that may occur during the season,” Manatad said, adding that the BFP personnel are prepared anytime to assist or respond to emergencies and will render 24 hours duty to ensure fire-free holidays.

The BFP encourages the public not to patronize christmas decors, firecrackers and other pyrotechnic products that are illegal or sub-standard that may cause harm.

They are also reminding the public about fire safety, especially for those who are planning to have their Christmas and New Year vacations away from their homes.

In their advisory, the BFP reminded the public that before leaving the house, it is important to always unplug electrical appliances and switch off the main source of power.

Manatad also urge the public not to leave lighted candles, lamps or cigarettes; close LPG valves; and secure flammable/combustible substances in a safe area.

If possible, Manatad said it would be helpful to ask neighbors or nearby friends/ relatives to check your house from time to time.

By means of continuous public cooperation, Manatad said the bureau is hoping for zero firecracker-related injuries, and a minimal number of fire incidents at the end of the year. (FREEMAN)

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