Police official files complaint against guard

CEBU, Philippines -  The Firearms, Explosives, Security Agencies and Guards Supervisor Section (FESSAGS) Central Visayas is investigating the alleged altercation between the chief of the logistics section of the Police Regional Office – 7, Sr. Supt. Orlando Ualat, and a port guard inside Pier 1 last October 24.

FESSAGS Chief Rex Derilo told The FREEMAN they received Ualat’s official complaint against Security Guard Perlito Ompad of the GDS Security Agency Detachment.

Ompad had already filed an administrative case against Ualat at the Office of the Ombudsman.

“We will base our investigation on the official complaint Ualat gave to us,” he said.

Derilo said they tried to settle the problem between the two parties. Their investigation will focus on the guard’s administrative liability. Ompad, though, will not lose his license if found guilty of being discourteous but faces suspension.

“For me, it was my first time to encounter a guard who acted arrogantly to a police officer,” said Ualat. He also denied he shoved tickets in Ompad’s mouth.

Ompad had narrated that the incident on the night of Oct. 24 started when he flagged down Ualat’s vehicle as a matter of procedure and asked for a ticket before the vehicle is allowed to enter the port.

Ualat instead, introduced himself as a policeman but Ompad insisted on seeing the ticket, which reportedly irked the police officer who started raising his voice.

The incident ended up with the other security guards pacifying Ualat and calling the port police, Ompad said.

But in an interview yesterday, Ualat showed the four tickets which Ompad asked for during their encounter at the port. “If I shoved it in his mouth, why is it that the tickets are not damaged?”

He said he was in a hurry during his confrontation with the guard at 9:30 p.m. because the ship that his wife and sister were traveling on was scheduled to leave for Mindanao at 10 p.m.

Ualat said he asked Ompad to let him pass while introducing that he was a police officer, assuring that they already have the tickets.

“Because we were on a hurry, I asked him for a favor,” he said.

Instead of listening, Ompad was reportedly arrogant and insisted for the tickets.

He further explained that he did not bump his car at the port’s gate, adding that the car he used was not even damaged.

Ualat said he is willing to face the charges that Ompad filed against him. “I have no other choice, I will face it,” he said.

Ualat said the only violation he made was when he confiscated Ompad’s license as a guard.

Derilo said FESSAGS will check Ompad’s records if he had the necessary training to become a guard. Derilo also said Ualat did not punch Ompad on the stomach as what Ompad claimed. — (FREEMAN)

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