For "Harassing" Journalists: Police reporters condemn former PDEA-7 director

CEBU, Philippines - The Defense PNP Press Corps. (DEPP) has issued a statement condemning former PDEA-7 director Adrian Alvariño for harassing some of its members who exposed alleged anomalies during his leadership.

DEPP, the official group of police beat reporters in Cebu City, yesterday released a statement condemning Alvariño for harassing Banat News reporter, Rey Pasaporte.

The harassment reportedly occurred last September 24, 2011 after Alvariño complained of a report written by Pasaporte entitled “Alvariño gipabawna’g P800 mil” which was based on a text message that circulated among reporters.

Alvariño reportedly called Banat News and complained about the said report. Following the complaint, Pasaporte immediately phoned Alvariño to clarify the said matter.

However, Pasaporte said he received allegedly harassing statements from Alvariño. “Tandaan mo yan ha? Babalikan kita dyan,” Alvariño reportedly said.

Right after their conversation over the phone, Pasaporte received a text message from Alvariño which reads “pacensyahan nalang tayo.”

Both statements of Alvariño reportedly “gave prejudice on Pasaporte’s profession as a journalist and bothered his security and of his family as well.”

Pasaporte, together with other police beat reporters, even went to PDEA-7 to interview Alvariño on the said allegations but Alvariño evaded the reporters’ request for an interview.

“Their efforts to get the side of Alvariño are enough to believe that they presented impartial and factual news items and not concocted with malice,” the statement reads.  (FREEMAN)  

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