Garbo to make PRO-7 the best in the country

CEBU, Philippines - Newly installed Police Regional Office-7 director Marcelo Garbo vows to make the region’s police force the best in the country.

 Garbo said he sees the potentials of PRO-7 to be the best police unit in the country having been consistent finalist during Annual General Inspections conducted by Camp Crame.

 Having been assigned in the region before becoming the regional director, Garbo said he has seen how active, dynamic and proactive the officers and men of PRO-7.

 According to him, he will take the opportunity to propel the region to its fullest potentials now that he was given the chance to lead the region’s police force.

 Garbo said his predecessor, Chief Supt. Ager Ontog, had good programs that he wanted to continue and improve.

“I have no plans of stopping it. Instead, we may modify it because it’s my intention to make a performing and efficient police force,” he said.

 He however asked the full cooperation of his men to be able to attain his goal. Garbo admitted that this can only be attained if the Police Integrated Patrolling System or PIPS, which he personally devised and authored, will be faithfully implemented.

 Garbo said he will use PIPS as their instrument towards success.

“PIPS will be the backbone of the PRO-7 (in the) fight against criminality,” Garbo said.

 Garbo’s PIPS has already been implemented in other police regional offices where it proves to be effective in the campaign against criminality.

PIPS was patterned after the Cebu City Police Office’s Motorcycle Reaction Unit which is composed of motorcycle-riding policemen. — (FREEMAN)

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