Three prelates and a chapel

CEBU, Philippines - In the mission frontiers writing is a solace and  next of kin. But even then, missionaries do crave  for an ember of inspiration. I haven’t taken the pen for quite some time as impetus is nowhere around the bend. However, the prodding of   a dear friend, Ambassador Frank Benedicto, did the trick. “Fr. Bob,” the soft-spoken and good natured-Ambassador commented, “ you should write something about the occasion. It’s an honor, singular and historic. When will it happen again that two Cardinals of the Philippines plus the new Archbishop of Cebu be at one time in a remote barangay like Tuyom?” I just smiled and pondered the veracity of those words. It wasn’t the urgency of his voice but the sincerity of the man behind those words that welled out a promise to heed the call. “Yes, Ambassador,” was my curt reply. 

September 16, 2011 was the inauguration of San Nicolas de Tolentino Chapel in Tuyom. The blessing of the partly renovated chapel incorporated in the celebration of the Holy Mass brought the three Prelates together in our unpretentious village. His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales of Manila was main celebrant and Cebu Archbishop Emeritus Ricardo Cardinal Vidal as concelebrant. We joined them together with our energetic parish priest, Fr. Virgilio Pedrano and a handful of   guest priests from the nearby parishes of Carcar City. And Archbishop Jose Palma, DD, of Cebu came to congratulate and apologize to the assembly as he could not stay for the whole liturgy. But, that’s jumping miles ahead. Rewind, and briefly allow me to serve bits and pieces of a recent past.

In 2005 we put up a legal body, San Nicolas of Tuyom Chapel Association, Inc., simply SANITUCASI.   At the back of our minds, founding members, was the renovation of our chapel as it could not contain   the throng of churchgoers on Sundays. Mr. Reno Ebisa was elected president of SANITUCASI and since then conceptualization of the renovation commenced.   Architect Jonas Sanchez from Manila transformed   our ideas on paper and then we organized the villagers for support. 

Every family was challenged to donate a bag of cement, a piece of galvanized iron sheet, a dozen of tiles, a sheet of marine plywood, etc. We enjoined everybody to share what little they could as a way of owning the renovation. A scheme was also designed to have volunteer laborers coming from all the puroks comprising barangay Tuyom to assist the paid carpenters. Then Honorable Barangay Captain Daniel Daclan with his councilors were always around when more hands were needed! And the donations from the bandwagon of generous friends completed the whole scenario.

In a matter of months we were able to realize the first part of our project: the extension of the sanctuary and the tilings of the floor area.   Central to that first phase of the renovation was the installation of a new altar table, a single slab of stone which was transported from barangay Magdugo, Toledo City. For years Honorable Barangay Councilor Manolito Languido was haunted by the mysterious incidents surrounding the transfer of the slab of stone from the mountains of Magdugo to Tuyom. His faith experience ushered an unwavering longing to write and share this personal story of conversion. Thus he immortalized the interesting events of the acquisition of this altar stone in the published story, “Nakasinati Kamig Milagro sa Among Pag-alsa sa Bato” (We’ve experienced miracle as we Carried the Stone) (Bisaya Magazine, August 10, 2011).

It was July 9, 2006 that Holy Mass was first celebrated on that slab of stone as new altar of San Nicolas de Tolentino chapel, with Fr. Loi Ebisa, SVD, as celebrant. I concelebrated with him that day,   delivered the homily extolling and thanking the people for their exemplary dedication and collaboration.

From 2006 till March of this year nothing was done with the blueprint of San Nicolas chapel. Our plan to see a bigger chapel was purposely shelved few months after terminating the first phase for a bigger project: the construction of San Roque parish church to which our chapel is attached. It was a daring project costing more than twenty million pesos and it obviously needed the collaboration of all the residents from Valladolid, Perrelos and Tuyom— the three barangays comprising San Roque parish.  

In the meantime a handful of old folks and devotees of San Nicolas de Tolentino and Sta. Cruz (original “patron” of Tuyom) had passed away. And   the hiatus of four years made others think that the new chapel of San Nicolas de Tolentino will never see the light of day. But for us who believe, we told ourselves it was just a matter of time. Everything has a reason. The falling of a small leaf has a purpose. Nothing is happenstance!

San Roque parish church is far from over but an imposing structure is now standing after years of hard labor. It has seen three pastors to date: Fr. Brandit Bohol who conceptualized the San Roque project; Fr. Nonoy Palarca who had a brief stint in our midst; and, Fr. Vir Pedrano, current parish priest and inspiration of the parish.

In January this year we revealed to Fr. Vir our ardent desire to continue the work of renovation. He readily agreed for in fact he was insinuating as to when we complete what we have started!  Thus, SANITUCASI, the Barangay and Chapel officials of Tuyom, suddenly had a lot of things on their hands. Several meetings followed and contacts were made and the enthusiasm to renovate our chapel caught fire again. It was finally after Holy Week   that renovation officially started. Perhaps it was the hand of the Lord guiding us again as it was never planned that “resurrecting” the project commenced on the Monday after the Ressurection of the Lord!

Right from the start we noted that funds were insufficient and prices of building materials have escalated. We appealed to the residents of Tuyom and to our generous friends all over the country and abroad. The response was awe-inspiring but the money that accompanied was a wanting. Our generous estimate was that the major repairs will only be completed by December 2012. 

Then the idea of raising funds through a dinner-concert dawned to us which eventually led to the success of Harana ug Panihapon Alang sa Kapilya sa Tuyom (Serenade and Dinner for the Chapel of Tuyom). A classmate, Fr. Raul Caga, SVD, singer-songwriter and one time contender of the CMMA in Manila for Religious Album of the year, offered his vocals for the project. He serenaded and wowed hundreds of people in the gymnasium of the University of San Carlos North Campus on May 7, 2011. Special guest was Ms. Camille Tecson of the Philippine Opera Company.

The Harana brought in close to a million pesos from the sponsorship and sale of tickets. And the donation from friends in Manila was also pouring in and we were optimistic with the   completion of the major repairs by year end. The pace of the work was normal and we breathe a sigh of relief. And then came   the good news that ushered an Herculean challenge…

Last June, in a casual conversation, His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, DD, Chairman of Philippine Radio Educational and Information Center, Inc. (PREIC)), the legal owner of Radio Veritas Asia, (RVA) asked: “Bob, how is the construction of the chapel in Tuyom?” I readily answered it’s going well and that the faithful are actively participating. I thanked him for his generosity being one of our benefactors and informed that some repairs are prioritized in time for the fiesta celebration. From out of the blue I queried: “Cardinal, could you possibly celebrate the Mass of our barangay fiesta?” His casual and crisp reply caught me off guarded. “When is that? Kindly check my schedule with Sr. Elsa.” And as they, everything is history.

His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales of Manila is coming to Tuyom!

When I broke the news to the faithful of Tuyom one Sunday morning, I could see in their faces excitement and unbelief. How I wish they could see the astonishment painted all over my face when Cardinal uttered yes to the invitation. I couldn’t believe it myself! But I heard it from him, I even asked twice or I think thrice: “Tinuod, Cardinal, moadto ug mo-Misa ka sa amo, sa Tuyom?” (Truly Cardinal, you’re going to Tuyom and celebrate Mass?) And each time the answer was yes. But he will celebrate the Holy Mass the day before the fiesta due to a prior commitment.

I told the people that for this reason we should double our efforts making sure that by first week of September major repairs must be accomplished instead of the year end projection. Then we ask His Eminence to bless our chapel as well. We requested for more volunteer workers and the youth of Tuyom responded.

Last wek of July I had to meet with Archbishop Jose Palma, DD, to brief him of recent developments of RVA and hand in the land title donated by the Watin family where our chapel stands. It was my first official meeting with His Excellency as he was absent for two previous meetings as new member of the PREIC Board. He thanked Mr. Benigno Watin who was present representing their clan and Mr. Reno Ebisa, president of SANITUCASI. 

I informed his Excellency that His Eminence, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales is coming to Tuyom to bless our chapel and celebrate Mass. His reaction betrayed sheer surprise as he observed: “His Eminence is coming to your place? Unfortunately, again, I could not attend the PREIC Board Meeting on September 15 but will concelebrate in the Holy Mass of his Eminence. He stood up, got his agenda and marked the date of the blessing right before our eyes. Then he graciously invited us for some snacks.

The newly installed Archbishop of Cebu, Jose Palma is also coming to Tuyom!

I don’t know what to make out with the faces of the people when I shared with them the news after the Sunday Mass that same week. But my worries were on the progress of the work. We had problems but our God is indeed full of surprises.

The generosity of some friends made our worries a little lighter as the day of the blessing draws near: the roofing of the extension of our chapel was offered by His Excellency Ambassador Frank Benedicto; a big chunk of the ceiling was donated by RVA Board member Bishop Tony Tobias, DD of the Diocese of Novaliches and batchmate Edgardo “Egay” Castillo of USC-BHS Class ‘81, shouldered all the tiling expenses.

With these major donors, completion of the major repairs in time for the blessing was on the dot.   There was the momentary setback when the paint donor backed out on the last minute. However, God carved out a solution when the Jimenez clan of Alaminos Pangasinan offered their helping hands. And the constant guidance of Engr. Winston Villasin and Architect Ali Khan Lacerna was indispensable. They authored some changes of our original designs based on aesthetics and practicality. Their trained eyes for details were truly commendable.

One marvels at the eye-catching stained glass of the Immaculate Mother that accents the façade of the chapel just above the entrance porch. 

Thanks to the generosity of Atty. Dalisay Ohdate and Dr. David Alesna. The image seems to beckon all passersby of San Nicolas de Tolentino Chapel.

But two days before the blessing I was to brace for yet another pleasant   surprise: Fr. Jojo de Aquino, personal secretary of Cardinal Vidal texted and his message goes: The Cardinal regrets to inform that he could not attend the PREIC Board Meeting but he’ll be joining the chapel blessing in Tuyom.”

Cebu Archbishop Emeritus Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, DD, His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, DD, of Manila and His Excellency Archbishop Jose Palma, DD of Cebu are all visiting Tuyom on September 16, 2011!!!

Weeks earlier His Eminence Cardinal Vidal commented, upon knowing the visit of Cardinal Rosales, that he might be going if his schedule allows. I was not counting on it anymore especially when I learned he was due for surgery two weeks before the event. Then the   medical operation was cancelled but there was no confirmation of his coming till that text message. It was good enough that Egay Castillo opined just to include Cardinal Vidal’s name on the welcome banners. He noted: “Dre, if he doesn’t come, nothing is really lost, if he comes we are prepared with his name on the banner.” His observation and suggestion paid off!

And so it came to pass. The blessing of our chapel witnessed the arrival of three Archbishops and two of them Cardinals. The liturgy couldn’t start as planned as the plane of His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales was delayed. He was joined from Manila by RVA Program Consultant Msgr. Pietro Van Tai and Atty. Tim Calumpong, former Administrator of RVA.

His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal arrived ahead and so was Archbishop Jose Palma; USC-BHS Batch ‘81 was well represented under the leadership of Jun Tevez. Honorable Mayor Nice Apura and Honorable Vice Mayor Patrick Barcenas of Carcar City graced the occasion. And yes, there was Ambassador Frank Benedicto who has never failed to show his undying support in all projects I was involved since the time we were both working in different parts of Brazil.

The historic day will linger for ages to come in the memory of our people. And surely the points raised by Cardinal Rosales in his homily will forver reververate in our minds and hearts: The chapel is a sign of God’s presence; a house of prayer and the face of the community.

As a community of believers we have shown that God is present and alive in our midst, that we really care for our house of prayer. And in all these we have shown the face of our community, a face that mirrors ba-yanihan spirit - the value of helping one another.

The renovation of San Nicolas chapel is far from over and more work is to be done. Completion of the two extension rooms that serve as wings of the Sanctuary and the purchase of new benches are top priorities. And yes, we have bills of construction materials to be settled still. It’s worth noting though what His Eminence Cardinal Rosales noted in his homily: “Hinay-hinay lang mo, Fr. Bob, ayaw lang sa da-yon ninyo humana ang chapel aron ang mga batan-on makatampo usab sa umaabot.” (Go slow Fr. Bob, don’t finish the work soon. Let the young generation share the task in the future..)

Indeed we are not in a hurry now, since the major repair has been accomplished. It will probably take a year to finally see the full execution of the blueprint. Perhaps Archbishop Jose Palma, DD will be elevated already as Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Cebu. And we hope that’s a reason strong enough for him to set foot again in the remote barangay of Tuyom. 

We are looking forward with expectant joy your Excellency, or should I say your Eminence? No more apologies by then, but a meaningful and memorable homecoming!

* Fr. Bobby Ebisa, SVD hails from Tuyom, Carcar City. For nine years, he was a missionary in the Amazon Region of Brazil and for the last five years the General Manager of Radio Veritas Asia. He is the adviser of SANITUCASI. (THE FREEMAN)

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