Elementary teacher accused of hitting student

CEBU, Philippines - The parents of a 12-year-old boy sought the help of authorities after their son incurred contusions on his back and left arm after his teacher at the Langtad Elementary School in Argao town allegedly hit him with a meter stick.

The parents alleged that the teacher, Vicente Lucero, 40, hit the child during an ongoing class discussion last Thursday afternoon. Lucero is also the class adviser.

Lucero’s allegedly got irked when the boy and another classmate were throwing a pen and paper inside the classroom while the class was discussing an upcoming evaluation examination. Lucero allegedly scolded the child and hit him with a meter stick.

Not contented, Lucero allegedly pulled the victim off his chair and reportedly dragged him outside the classroom saying, “away na’g balik diri sa eskwelahan kay dili na tika dawaton ikaw gada’g disturbo sa klase.”

Out of fear, instead of going home, the boy went to the house of his aunt, Victoriana Remonde, in Barangay Candabong and told her what happened. Remonde then accompanied the boy back to his residence and sought help from Langtad Barangay Captain Arnel Saragena who, in turn, advised them to seek help from dyLA radio reporter Dario Gil. It was Gil who accompanied the complainants to the police station. 

The boy’s mother, Lanie, alleged it was not the first time that Lucero hit her son. The teacher also allegedly hit the boy with a book on the nape before, which allegedly rendered the boy unconscious.

In an interview over dyLA, Lucero admitted hitting his pupil, which reportedly broke his meter stick. He said he will face any complaint that the boy’s family will file against him.

Meanwhile, the school’s principal Jovencia Sanchez said she will invite both parties in her office to get into the root of things.

The boy’s parents also sought assistance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). (FREEMAN)

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