DSWD warns indigents vs using grants as collateral

CEBU, Philippines - Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) warned the beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilya program that cash grants should not be subjected to any abuse, such as using them as collateral or guarantee for loans.

Pantawid Pamilya Program, a project of DSWD, aims to reduce poverty by providing qualified families conditional cash grants.

The household beneficiaries avail of P500 per month or a total of P6,000 a year.

According to Aileen P. Labira, information officer of DSWD, they received complaints from an unknown caller and Local Government Units some beneficiaries of the program pawned the cash grants or used them as loan guarantee.

Labira said that as of this year, they received several comments and complaints about the matter.

She added that whoever is caught pawning their cash grants will be suspended for three months and those caught doing it the second time will be automatically dropped from the program.

Labira said the DSWD encourages the beneficiaries to be responsible in safeguarding their cash grants from getting lost since this is their identification in all Pantawid Pamilya activity and for other purposes.

The program is not just an immediate and short term poverty alleviation strategy. It is also designed as a “social development strategy” to eradicate extreme poverty, achieve universal education, promote gender equality, and reduce child morality among others.

The DSWD offers “family development session” every month “to give the right direction” for families. (FREEMAN)

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