CH executive building needs repair

CEBU, Philippines -  Damages at the roof deck of the Cebu City Hall’s executive building have been found since 2010 but were allegedly not given attention by the city engineering.

Engr. Emiliano Cruz, building administrator, told the media that the damages at the rooftop which leaks water during rain is slowly damaging the ceiling of the 8th floor while excess water is feared to also go down the lower floors that may cause further damage.

On October 29, 2010, a private engineer commissioned by the city government to inspect the roof deck reported the damages for urgent action but until now, it has not been acted upon.

The findings of Engr. Julius Dakay of the Dakay Construction and Development Corporation show that water leaks through the edge of the canopy of the executive building.

Dakay also found cracks on the walls, canopy, parapet beams and roof deck slabs which he said need to be checked for safety purposes. There is no need however for an extensive retrofit but a structural epoxy may be applied.

The report also indicated that the plaster on the walls and parapets have been palled and should be redone.

The installed tiles are also already brittle due to water seepage. “Tiles are subject for replacement and re-apply water proofing before replacing tiles. Flood testing and waterproofing must be done prior to tiling,” Dakay said.

Cruz said they have already endorsed the matter to City Engineer Kenneth Enriquez for immediate action but he has been waiting in vain.

The damages caused by the rain is not however a surprise because the executive building has been existing since the late ‘90s.

The executive building was built as annex to the now legislative building during the time of former Mayor Alvin Garcia.

Early this week, a portion of the ceiling at the third floor, left wing of the legislative building also collapsed because the water that leaked from the gutter has caused the ceiling to weaken. (FREEMAN)

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