ICT in San Remigio brgys

CEBU, Philippines - The Central Visayas Information Sharing Network has trained barangay officials of the municipality of San Remigio, Cebu in Information and Communication Technology, a major initiative of the local government unit to be tech-savvy.

Barangay captains, councilors, secretaries and treasurers of 27 barangays participated the ICT Congress recently held at the town hall.

Its objectives is to increase perception of its citizenry of what the government is doing and what opportunities are available through the use of ICT as a tool, and likewise to manifest appreciation of ICT as a tool to achieve transparency in governance, increasing resources, more efficient basic services delivery, more up-to-date information and more effective feedback system.

With the theme, “San Remigio-Our National Pride, Our Local Responsibility”, the training was also aimed to increase skills in planning, project management/implementation, monitoring and evaluation, networking/linkages and advocacy in the various endeavors down to the barangay level, and to have better understanding about the need of efficient gathering, storage and retrieval of information.

The ICT Congress was attributed through collaborative efforts of the LGU with its led offices: Community eCenter, Municipal Planning and Development Office and IT Office, with the support of Grace Caburnay, the Municipal Local Government Operations Officer who tackled on ICT mandates and roadmap.

Cebu City Councilor Roberto Cabarrubias who is the president of CVISNET shared on eBarangay projects, and eBarangay Net led by its president Malyn F. Mantos, with vice president Jefrey Llanto who deal with successful ICT projects including various workshops, and processes involved in San Remigio ICT Project.

Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Engr. Romerico Cabellon, who is also the Congress facilitator, focused on “Orientation of ICT Pilot Projects with emphasis on the eLGU program initiated by National Computer Center of the Commission on Information and Communication Technology, and “the Barangay for a Sustainable ICT”.

Early this year, CVISNET has successfully demonstrated the Wireless Wide Area Network, aimed to provide Internet Connectivity in all barangays of the municipality.

For testing purposes, three transmitters were installed in strategic areas to enable internet access in the farthest barangay of San Remigio.

In this case Barangay San Miguel was the target barangay for the wireless test to include internet connectivity, CCTV camera, and IP phone or VOiP phone. The test was a success, giving the LGU's opportunity to provide ICT enhancement program in barangay level.  

Mayor Jay Olivar urged all ICT stakeholders to actively support the initiative in order to have ICT implementation on the right track. –(FREEMAN)

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