Making sure the thrill is safe: PB eyes law on zip-line business

CEBU, Philippines - The thrill of zipping from a point in an elevated area to another located several meters below has become so popular that the Provincial Board has seen the need to regulate the operation of the zip-line businesses and others offering adventure entertainment.

A proposed ordinance to regulate such businesses is now pending in the PB. This was sponsored by then PB member Agnes Magpale, who is now the vice governor after the death of Vice Governor Gregorio Sanchez Jr., PB Member Thadeo Ouano, vice chairman of the committee on tourism, said that there is a need to hold a public hearing on this proposal.

The hearing, Ouano said, should be jointly conducted by the committees on tourism and environment conservation and natural resources.

The zip-line has become one of the growing phenomenal adventure and entertainment eco-tourism come-ons in the Province of Cebu that caters to both tourists and locals.

Magpale noticed zip-line users obviously exposed to imminent risks amid the exceptional mixed feelings of excitement, thrill, and fun.

Magpale cited an unconfirmed report that there was an accident when somebody fell off the zipline when the cable broke.

“Thus the need to institute preventive measures to safeguard these users from the dangers and hazards inherently attached thereto,” Magpale said.

One of the prohibitions is that no persons 60 years old and above or below 12 years old could use or avail of the zip-line service, whether for a fee or for free.

Zip-line business operators must secure license and permit from the office of the mayor of the municipality or component city wherein such business is located and certification from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Facilities must also conform with prescribed international standards as certified by a government engineer and be accredited by the Department of Tourism.

Personnel must also have undergone comprehensive trainings on first-aid and rescue operations conducted by appropriate government agencies or accredited safety training institutions. –


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