Former MCIAA manager now DND assistant secretary

CEBU, Philippines - President Aquino has appointed former Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) general manager Danilo Augusto Francia as assistant secretary of the Department of National Defense (DND).

Francia, the former president of the Clark International Airport Corporation, replaced Willie Palugod who resigned last February 2 due to heart ailment.

Francia told The FREEMAN that he is thankful that he is again given the opportunity to serve the nation as he looks forward to serving the DND.

“I thank the Cebuanos for having given me the opportunity to serve in MCIAA. I have worked with people with great competence and integrity that has contributed for my growth as a person,” said Francia who also writes for The FREEMAN.

Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, for her part, is happy for Francia’s appointment, saying he deserves the DND position because of his integrity.

Garcia said even though Francia is not a Cebuano, he has served Cebuanos with selflessness and professionalism.

The governor added that during Francia’s administration, the airports’ domestic and international flights have remarkably increased.

Meanwhile, Aquino also appointed former Cebu vice governor Democrito Barcenas as board member of the Philippine National Oil Company. (FREEMAN)

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