Bloods gang member shot dead

CEBU, Philippines -  A 19-year-old member of the “Bloods Gang” was shot dead by three unidentified members of the rival “Crips Gang” in Sitio Kamansi, Barangay Quiot yesterday dawn.

John Wayne Aventurado, resident of the said barangay, died of multiple gunshot wounds in the body at the Cebu City Medical Center.

The victim was talking with his friends along the road at 2:30 a.m. yesterday when three suspected members of their rival gang passed by on board a motorcycle and shot him several times.

 The gun man reportedly alighted from the motorcycle and approached the victim before firing his handgun. According to the witnesses, the gunman first asked Aventurado what was the problem before pumping bullets on him.

Aventurado sustained gunshot wounds in his stomach, left thigh and right lower leg. He was immediately rushed to the hospital by his friends but died later. The assailants fled on their motorcycle after the incident. (FREEMAN)

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