Bar owner faces estafa raps

CEBU, Philippines - A wine shop owner filed a complaint of estafa before the Cebu City Prosecutor’s Office against the owner of Silver Dollar Bar located on Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City.

Ka Win Trading owner Georgina Cheong, assisted by her legal counsel, Vicente Fernandez II, filed the case against bar owner Carl Ferie over the latter’s alleged failure to pay a total of P110,406.00 for the various wines, liquor, alcoholic beverages and several other items as chasers or mixers of alcoholic beverages delivered to the latter’s bar on consignment basis.

Cheong, in her affidavit, narrated that from June 2009 to May 2010, the bar owner would often call her to deliver the said items.

Cheong said she has no other recourse but to seek assistance from her lawyer and through a written demand asked Ferie to return the assorted liquors or to remit the proceeds of the items sold. But after several verbal demands and several promises, Ferie has not returned the items nor has paid the said amount.

Cheong added her letter did not even receive the courtesy of a reply coming from Ferie so she decided to seek legal remedy. (FREEMAN)  

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