RTC orders Dumpit's detention at city jail

CEBU, Philippines - Controversial police officer Adonis Dumpit is now languishing at the Cebu City Jail after the Regional Trial Court ordered to transfer his detention from the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-7 headquarters because of alleged special treatment.

Dumpit stepped into the city jail compound past 4:00 p.m. yesterday following RTC Judge Ester Veloso’s order. The inmates welcomed one of the city’s most controversial police officers with chants.

Senior Insp. Dennis Aliño, deputy warden for administration, said the inmates were celebrating Dumpit’s incarceration with them. He however assured Dumpit’s security inside the city jail.

Aliño said that because Dumpit is considered a “high risk inmate” he will not be mixed with the other prisoners. Dumpit, as a police officer, was very active in the fight against criminals. In fact, some of those he arrested before are still inside the city jail. 

Veloso ordered Dumpit’s commitment to the city jail based on the urgent motion filed by the prosecution after he was allegedly seen going in and out freely from his detention cell at the CIDG-7 headquarters.

The prosecution alleged that private complainant Janeth Badana, mother of suspected robber Ronron Go whom Dumpit allegedly murdered, was informed that on March 2, 2011 the accused was allowed to go out of the CIDG-7 detention cell.

Badana said she was able to confirm the report that Dumpit was indeed allowed to go out from detention without any police escort.

Veloso said that the failure of the CIDG-7 to properly secure the accused is contemptible and confirms the fear of the prosecution of the risk of flight and escape of the accused from custody.

“The CIDG-7, due to personal and professional ties with the accused cannot be entrusted to properly secure the person of the accused. Thus, his detention must be entrusted to the Bureau of Jail Management and Penalogy,” the order reads.

Dumpit through his legal counsel denied the prosecution’s claim. He argued that during the time he was seen outside of his detention cell, he was allegedly waiting for his lawyer as he was intending to see his doctor due to severe stomach pain.

But the court said that even if it was true that he was on his way to see his doctor, his going out of the detention cell was anomalous.

Veloso explained that Dumpit should have first sought a court order to allow him to see a doctor as this is the proper procedure that should have been followed.

The court added that Dumpit should be properly escorted and handcuffed whenever he is allowed out of the detention cell. Veloso said, although he may not be a convict but he is still a detention prisoner and must follow the regulations required of a detainee.

Dumpit’s temporary detention at the CIDG-7 headquarters was allowed by the court because of security issue.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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